Shropshire Star

Letter: Dangers of phone usage

Over the Christmas period I noted a front page Star article regarding the incidents of mobile phone use while driving.


Well. This is a clear reflection of the increasingly degenerate modern societal view that rules and laws only apply to other people. I am constantly at loggerheads with a mate in his 30s who plays with his mobile; including transacting on eBay; whilst driving. I have even snatched the phone and thrown it over the back seat, which resulted in a 'hissy-fit'.

My observation is that young mothers and grandmothers on the school run are the greatest offenders: followed by van and lorry drivers.

To my mind the proposed Government changes to the law on this are nowhere near severe enough. Put the penalties on a par with gun and knife crime. And add driving bans akin to drink/drug penalties; running concurrently with any custodial sentence; for both.

Multiple offences should attract mandatory maximum sentences, with all terms served in privately run PAYG institutions.

And, yes, death by dangerous driving should be manslaughter. Again yes, I am serious. The hardest lessons are the ones best learned according to my father.

It's a good thing I'm liberally minded.

G Palmer, Lawley

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