Letter: Tories to blame for £30 million council cuts
I write to complain about the cuts suggested, which condemn libraries, school centres, play areas, etc.

Take libraries for example. This service has become an institution on excellence for a great number of years. They are a place of learning and entertainment through their free service.
I know that many councils will be accused of waste and extravagance, but let's look at the bigger picture. Our councils have had to cope with £80m in cuts since 2010 and are now faced with another £30m cuts. Look at the bigger picture, and it's not hard to find the villains in all this.
It is the Tory government. While it is easy for them to hand out about £15bn to £16bn a year on foreign aid they squeeze our own people, and they have said recently more deep and damaging cuts will follow.
And for what? To eradicate debt, which incidentally can never happen. If we incredibly did reach Utopia who would benefit from all of this. Certainly not the larger population.
No, this will become a land fit for David Cameron, George Osborne and their well-heeled friends.
For God's sake, it's 2016 now, not 1916, we should be moving forwards, not descending into 'dark satanic mills'.
I'm sure we will soon totally understand the folly of electing a Tory government especially one with a working majority.
I make no apology for being political. It needed saying, so I've said it.
G Duckett, Dawley
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