Shropshire Star

Letter: Call for level headed talks on EU debate

The media is increasingly filling with "blah" on the forthcoming referendum regarding whether Britain stays in or leaves the European Union.


My own views are cautious and mixed. Although it is pretty obvious that the whole set-up needs a complete re-think and radical reform. And we probably need to stick with them to do this properly.

The problem from the referendum point of view is one of there having been no intelligent and informative debate on the subject. Just diatribe by self- interested individuals and groups. That and the over-simplistic either/or question not being the correct one.

Unless there is to be another debacle like the proportional representation vote, where an opportunity to change a now stale and increasingly unrepresentative British political system was missed through public ignorance, there needs to be a serious unbiased public information campaign. Forget a bunch of hackneyed politicians humbugging each other on a stage: usually Any Questions on Radio 4. Or a PM glossing over a non-event of an EU meeting and claiming successful progress where there is none.

What is needed are, independent, level headed economists and business leaders balancing both sides of the subject. This after all will be a massive decision; taken in difficult times that may very well save or finally condemn this nation to increasing irrelevance. Time is running out fast.

G Palmer, Lawley

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