Letter: MPs' priority should be their constituency
How surprising to hear that there are still MPs (including our own) who publicly claim to be undecided whether or not Britain should remain in the EU.
One imagines there being hardly a single MP in the Commons who had not already decided on this issue months, if not years, ago, regardless of whatever so-called deal Cameron might manage to bring home from Brussels.
Mr Kawczynski should make up his mind, then put Europe to one side and concentrate his efforts on matters that directly affect the daily lives of his constituents. Specifically, that Shrewsbury, a county town now nurturing its own fledgling university (something it should have done decades ago) considers abolishing its public library next year, along with numerous other valued services in the town, is beyond belief, and certainly beyond acceptance.
The withdrawal of many other public services including museums and leisure centres right across Shropshire is also threatened. There is a strong case for all the county's MPs to use their collective influence against the Treasury of their own party's government to halt the continuing misguided and clearly failing austerity policies. As we know from experience, a service once abolished is usually gone forever.
Our MPs should not be content to watch the society they represent being continually impoverished in this way.
Graham Brown, Shrewsbury
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