Letter: Cameron should be leading the exodus
What a disingenuous man David Cameron truly is!
He gets elected with a promise of a referendum on Europe and also promises that if negotiations fail then he will lead the campaign to leave. Despite his best efforts he comes back from his jaunts around Europe with a deal? That is judged by most informed to be 50 per cent of no change. He then goes on to try to recommend that we stay in and commences leading that crowd by trying to tell us of all the dire consequences of coming out.
If his meetings with other leaders had been unsuccessful, which I and many others believe they were, he should or could be leading the campaign to come out.
I wonder what would have happened with the dire consequences he is now forecasting in that scenario? Does David Cameron have trouble with the truth?
What I would forecast is that if the vote to leave is unsuccessful beware of the future treatment of this country and its citizens by the EU. The unelected bureaucrats of the European Commission will think that they can do with us what they like because we would have voted for it. Watch immigration then and be prepared to suffer much more of a breakdown in our services and increased payments to Brussels.
This country does not need Brussels and it is about time we took notice of people with confidence in our abilities.
Adrian Williams, Bratton
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