Shropshire Star

Letter: Drivers should show more consideration to cyclists

I am both a driver and a cyclist, so I can fully understand why both cyclists and motorists get annoyed with each other.


A couple of incidents during my regular cycle round Shrewsbury recently showed me that some drivers pay no attention to cyclists. Where the actions of an inconsiderate cyclist will most likely result in minor injuries to that cyclist, the actions of an inconsiderate driver are far more likely to kill the cyclist.

Here are the events:

The first occurred at the roundabout next to the Shirehall. I exited onto Wenlock Road. I was cycling between the double yellow lines at the side of the road and was overtaken by a small hatchback. The car missed me by millimetres. This driver gave me no room at all. As I cycle regularly, this is a common event. I have received glancing blows from car wing mirrors on several occasions. On one occasion, luckily at low speed, a car forced me so far to the left my pedal clipped the kerb and throwing me off my saddle. Luckily, I managed to keep myself upright.

The Mount seems to be a particularly bad spot for drivers not giving cyclists room and I often have to contend with drivers trying to overtake where there are cars parked to my left and there being oncoming traffic. It is often impossible to cycle right up against the kerb.

The second incident happened on Bellvue Road. I was about to turn right. There were parked cars to my left. I had my arm out signalling I was turning right when I heard a car accelerating behind me. I glanced behind me and saw a dark blue taxi speeding up the road behind me. It was clear that the taxi was taking no heed of my hand signal. I quickly moved to the left and the taxi overtook me on the opposite side of the road to my right at about 50 mph.The taxi was going so fast, I was unable to get his registration or licence number. If I had not swerved to my left, or if I had not stopped my right turn, I would not be writing this letter to you now.

As a driver I know that there are cyclists who flirt with the rules of the road and I am the first to call them idiots when they do so, however, the actions of some drivers are almost hostile to cyclists and the results of their actions can be far more serious that that of a cyclist ignoring a red light. Even a glancing blow from a car can result in a fatality. I would ask that drivers in Shrewsbury consult the Highway Code and give cyclists the room they need.

Name and address supplied

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