Shropshire Star

Vulcan bomber overshoots runaway and narrowly misses busy road

A Vulcan Bomber has overshot a runway at an airfield in the Midlands – before coming to a stop extremely close to a busy road.

Last updated
A Vulcan Bomber in flight

The aircraft, which had been using the Wellesbourne Mountford Airfield in Warwickshire, stopped a few feet away from Stratford Road.

The incident was caused by a malfunction which led the Vulcan to remain on full power for "approximately two seconds longer than intended".

The excursion on Friday happened during a trial run for an event on Sunday which has now been cancelled due to inspections needed on the aircraft.

The XM655 Maintenance and Preservation Society, which looks after the aircraft, said: "Due to a malfunction of a piece of equipment in the cockpit, the aircraft remained at full power for approximately two seconds longer than intended.

"This resulted in excessive speed and less distance in which to stop, and the aircraft passed beyond the end of the runway on to the agricultural area, stopping just before the airfield perimeter.

"The failed equipment was an air speed indicator which had been tested and found satisfactory six days ago, and which started working normally before the end of the run. The aircraft brakes worked properly but were unable to bring things to a halt within the reduced space available."