Kington school rated as ‘good’ in all areas by Ofsted.
A Kington school has been rated as ‘good’ in all areas following a recent Ofsted inspection.
![Kington's Lady Hawkins School](
A Kington school has been rated as ‘good’ in all areas following a recent Ofsted inspection.
The report celebrates Lady Hawkins School as a "unique and close-knit community school" where pupils feel safe, supported, and valued.
Inspectors were particularly impressed by the school’s “family feel,” its calm learning environment, and the strong relationships between staff and students.
They rated the school of 267 pupils as good for the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management.
The inspectors said: “Pupils value the school’s strong family feel, which allows them to be themselves. Staff know pupils as individuals. Trusted adults celebrate each pupil’s success and address any concerns that arise. As a result, pupils feel safe and happy.
“The school has high expectations of what pupils can do, which pupils live up to. Their teachers teach them well. They check what pupils know and understand and offer pupils’ constructive feedback to improve their written work.
“Since the last inspection, the school has focused on the right priorities, which has resulted in sustained improvement. For instance, leaders have taken decisive action to improve pupils’ future prospects and examination outcomes. They have invested in strategies to help pupils remember more of what they learn. Subsequently, most pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), progress well.
“Pupils receive a broad range of information about the world of work, and benefit from well-considered experiences that prepare them well for their futures.
“Staff are aligned behind leaders’ ambitious vision. Staff know their well-being and workload matter. They are proud to work here.
“On occasion, teachers do not adapt their teaching well enough to enable pupils with SEND to access the curriculum. Where this happens, these pupils do not learn as well as they could. This holds them back. The school should ensure that all teachers have an accurate understanding of pupils’ individual needs and adapt their teaching to meet these needs within lessons.”
Headteacher Mr Allen Brace expressed his delight at the report, said: "We are incredibly proud to have been recognised as a good school.
“This reflects the commitment of our staff, the dedication of our students, and the support of our families and community.
“Lady Hawkins’ is a special place, and we are determined to continue building on this positive inspection report."