Electrical work to replace an electrical sub-station is planned for Kington in the new year.
Electrical work to replace an electrical sub-station is planned for Kington in the new year.

The National Grid contacted the town council about the work planned for Ellen Lane.
They said the work may require taking over some parking places outside The Garth Residential Home and National Grid were advised to discuss that with the Garth as part of their application for a road closure notice for Ellen Lane.
Town clerk Liz Kelso told members at a recent meeting that one possibility is that the Recreation Ground Trust may be asked to consider either opening up the Rec for parking to replace the spaces lost at the Garth, or to use the Rec for National Grid storage of equipment and the spoil from the work.
Both options need further consideration before asking the Recreation Ground Trust for permission and a site visit took place recently.
Ms Kelso said; “The larger project linked to this work is likely to involve work to the High Street replacing main cables serving High Street businesses in 2026.
“This is a much bigger project with major implications for the town so National Grid is being encouraged to engage with the town council, local businesses and other stakeholders to plan for this work.”
She said there will be an item about it on the town council’s agenda in the future.