Shropshire Star

The Recreation Ground Trust in Kington has been given a £95,000 grant to support its work for the coming year.

The Recreation Ground Trust in Kington has been given a £95,000 grant by the town council to support its work for the coming year.

The Recreation Ground Trust in Kington has been given a £95,000 grant by the town council to support its work for the coming year.
The Recreation Ground Trust in Kington has been given a £95,000 grant by the town council to support its work for the coming year.

The Rec is home to the cricket club and hosts local events including Kington vintage show, the May Fair and fireworks night.

The annual grant from the town council will cover the maintenance of the cottage, grass cutting, rec maintenance and running costs, equipment purchase and salary support.

The Recreation Ground Trust agreed a budget for 2025/26 and councillors agreed to give them a grant to support their work.

The Recreation Ground was gifted to the Town over a century ago and a Trust Deed was set up in 1910, establishing a Charitable Trust for its management. 

The Trust passed to Kington Town Council many years ago and the Town Council is, in law, the Charitable Trustee.

 The Recreation Ground Trust therefore follows council procedures in relation to its governance, but meets separately to council meetings.

The Recreation Ground Trust has established a Management Group to look after day to day issues concerning the Recreation Ground and its users.

The Town Council makes an annual grant available to the Trust to enable it to carry out its responsibilities.

 Recreation Ground Trust meetings are open to the public and are usually held on a Monday 6pm, prior to the meeting of the full council.