Shropshire Star

Kington town council warned the county will be vulnerable to speculative planning applications because of huge increase in the target of house building

A huge increase in the target of house building in Herefordshire will make the county vulnerable to speculative planning applications, Kington town council has been warned

Kington town council warned the county will be vulnerable to speculative planning applications
Kington town council warned the county will be vulnerable to speculative planning applications

The UK Labour Government issued the National Planning Policy Framework in December. 

It has come from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and sets out mandatory housing targets for councils, targets are no longer advisory and this level of growth must be accommodated.

 The target for Herefordshire has increased from 773 dwellings per year to 1,370.
The target for Herefordshire has increased from 773 dwellings per year to 1,370.

This would mean 27,260 dwellings over a 20 year period.

Herefordshire Council’s draft local plan set out a target for 16,100 homes over the plan period so this is a proposed significant increase.

Herefordshire Council said the NPPF has a significant impact upon 5 Year Housing Land Supply. Before the publication of the NPPF, Herefordshire had a 5YHLS of 5.79 years, now it is reduced to 3.09 years – so the revised housing target for the county results in a lack of 5YHLS.

A spokesperson said: “Therefore, there is a presumption in favour of development and deviation away from the plan led process where a five year supply cannot be demonstrated. In the absence of a 5HYLS it is anticipated that there will be an increase in speculative applications which would not otherwise have come forward.”

The spokesperson said the significant increase in housing numbers cannot be accommodated in the Local Plan as consulted upon in March 2024. So the draft plan cannot progress in its current form and Herefordshire Council will need to decide how it wishes to proceed with local plan making.

It will also affect Neighbourhood Plans as they will need to be in conformity with an adopted local plan.

At a recent Kington Town Council meeting members voiced their concerns about the numbers and Councillor Bob Widdowson said his concern is not just the numbers but the re-introduction of a five year land supply issue which would make the town more vulnerable to speculative applications.

Herefordshire Council said it is seeking further clarification on a number of matters and will report back to the town council at a later date.

Members noted the information