Shropshire Star

Over £100,000 has been spent transforming shop fronts in Builth Wells

Over £100,000 has been spent transforming shops in Builth Wells, the council has said

Over £100,000 has been spent transforming shops in Builth Wells, the council has said
Over £100,000 has been spent transforming shops in Builth Wells, the council has said

Nine shops in the town have been given a new look after successfully obtaining improvement grants worth a total of £70,000.

The businesses including Guys and Dolls, Audreys, Clive Menswear, the Greyhound, the Fountain, Real Sweet and Pirahna Home Furnishers all secured money from the Transforming Towns grant fund.

Town clerk Louise Hammond told the town council recently; “The town council has now received the grant money from Powys County Council which amounts to £72,910 and so I can start to distribute it to the businesses involved.

“It means that over £100,000 of work will have been done on shops, which is a good thing for the town and it will enhance the look of the town.”

Business owners, landlords and residents were offered the chance to obtain a Transforming Town grant, giving them the chance to improve and enhance the town.

The money could be used for anything from flooding defences to new shop fronts and most things in between.

The shop owners could get upto a 70 per cent grant and they would need to pay 30 per cent because it was agreed to do a cluster of properties.