Shropshire Star

Dyfed Powys Police Commissioner launches Police and Crime Plan

Launching My Police and Crime Plan for 2025-2029 - Dafydd Llywelyn, Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner

Dafydd Llywelyn, Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner
Dafydd Llywelyn, Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner

I am pleased to officially launch my Police and Crime Plan for 2025-2029, setting the strategic direction for policing in Dyfed-Powys over the next four years. 

This plan reflects our shared priorities and commitment to making our communities safer.

At the heart of the plan are three key priorities:

 Supporting victims and preventing victimisation – Ensuring that those affected by crime receive the right support and that we take proactive steps to

reduce victimisation.

 Supporting safe communities by preventing harm – Tackling the root causes of crime and working with partners to keep our communities safe.

 Supporting a more effective justice system – Ensuring a fair and efficient system that delivers justice for victims and offenders.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who took the time to contribute to my police and crime survey. 

Your feedback has been invaluable in shaping this plan, ensuring it reflects the concerns and aspirations of those living in Dyfed-Powys.

By working together, we can deliver real, meaningful change for our communities.

The launch of this plan marks the beginning of a focused and ambitious period for policing in Dyfed-Powys. 

I will continue working closely with the Chief Constable, officers, and key partners to ensure these priorities are met, and that our

communities feel safe and supported.

Alongside the plan launch, I was pleased to welcome colleagues from across Wales and beyond to the 9th annual St David’s Day Conference. 

This event provides a vital platform for discussing key policing and justice issues, and I extend my thanks to all speakers and attendees who contributed to such valuable discussions.

I look forward to delivering our new, Police and Crime plan and keeping the public informed on its progress.

Dafydd Llywelyn,

Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner