Learn about some exotic animals from around the world at a Llandrindod Wells family day
There will be a chance to learn about some exotic animals from around the world at a Llandrindod Wells family day

The event will be at the Royal British Legion on Tremont Road on Saturday, March 22 from 2pm until 4pm.
Craven’s Crawlies will be there and they are a small business specialising in live animal encounters.
They offer educational and interactive experiences with a variety of invertebrates, reptiles and other exotic creatures. Run by Richard Craven, the business provides hands on sessions allowing people to learn about and appreciate these fascinating creatures up close.
Also there will be Valley View Falconry, which is home to a variety of birds of prey from around the world. They also offer a variety of experiences to suit everyone. Get to hold some majestic birds up close and personal such as hawks, owls and hear all about them.
Admission to the family day will be £3 at the door for adults, £2 for children aged five to 15 and free for under 5’s.
For more information email rblclubllandrindodwells@yahoo.co.uk or visit their Facebook page at Llandrindod Wells-Royal British Legion.