Shropshire Star

Construction of a new store at a Presteigne park will hopefully start in April, as a fundraising campaign for the last £5,000 is launched

Construction of a new store and bar at a Presteigne park will hopefully start in April, as a fundraising campaign for the last £5,000 is launched

Construction of a new store and bar at a Presteigne park will hopefully start in April, as a fundraising campaign for the last £5,000 is launched
Construction of a new store and bar at a Presteigne park will hopefully start in April, as a fundraising campaign for the last £5,000 is launched

The majority of funding for the Went’s Meadow community store and bar is in place and the Sheep Music team also now has planning permission.

But they have launched a fundraising campaign to raise the final £5,000

Presteigne’s Community Barn was a terrific collaboration between the Town Council and Sheep Music created in 2019. 

The permanent venue has made a huge difference to the organisers and to the costs of running community events.

However, the barn has no storage capacity, and there is always a huge amount of equipment and gear to haul to the site and then back again once the event has finished. This takes a massive amount of time and energy.

So a secure storage shed for equipment is needed which will also double up as ‘The Baa’ serving drinks and refreshments. 

A spokesperson for the Sheep Music Team said: “The users of the barn, Sheep Music, Presteigne Carnival and Mid Border Arts all recognise the urgent need for such a facility, and Owen Rimington came up with a great design for a building to do just that. 

“The building will be sited adjacent to the existing barn and be sympathetic to its design and the meadow itself.

“The Community Store-Bar is another joint project between the Town Council and Sheep Music. Sheep Music will take responsibility for its building and, like the Community Barn, the plan is for it to be built by the same mix of experienced builders and enthusiastic amateurs who all live in our community.”

Planning Permission has been granted, and it is hoped construction will start in April, and it is hoped to have the new store ready for the 2025 Presteigne Carnival on Saturday, July 12.

The team has been granted the £20,000 requested from the National Lottery Community fund. 

The Town Council, Sheep Music and the Carnival Committee have pledged a further £5,000, so all that’s left to do, apart from building it, is to raise the last £5,000 to get to the £30,000 budget. 

This budget also includes the purchase of £5,000 worth of new equipment needed to help put on community events.

To donate to this project which will enrich our community for many years to come, visit