Shropshire Star

Two noticeboards in Llandrindod Wells are to be rented to Pavilion Mid Wales

Two noticeboards in Llandrindod Wells are to be rented to Pavilion Mid Wales, the town council has agreed

Two noticeboards in Llandrindod Wells are to be rented to Pavilion Mid Wales, the town council has agreed
Two noticeboards in Llandrindod Wells are to be rented to Pavilion Mid Wales, the town council has agreed

Former councillor and managing director of Pavilion Mid Wales, Jase Hawker, has been filling notice boards for many years.

But now he has handed back control of the boards to the town council saying he does not have the time to do them anymore.

In an email to the town council, Jase said: “I did try to encourage people to drop the posters in by the end of each month, to give me a set weekend, however, I’ts not been as successful as I envisaged.”

Separately, he said the Pavilion would be interested in a permanent use of one board at Boots and one opposite the Hive to advertise their events. He said each board can accommodate 12 A4 posters, which at 25p per week equates to £156 per annum on each board.

Town clerk Jane Johnston said they do not have enough posters to fill all of the notice boards.

Councillor Kim Nicholls said: “There is no objection from me and if we can earn some money from it, then that’s all good.”

Councillor Steve Deeks-D’Silva added: “The Pavilion brings a lot of people to town, if it helps them and brings us some money I am more than happy to fulfil their wishes.”

Members unanimously agreed to let the Pavilion rent two noticeboards for the cost agreed.