Several activities will take place in Builth Wells to mark VE Day 2025
Several activities will take place in Builth Wells to mark VE Day 2025

The 80th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe will take place on May 8 2025.
Councillors considered a few ideas including lighting the beacon on the hill, and buying a VE Flag and flying that in the town.
They also looked at taking part in a Light of Peace event. Councillor Alison Lewis said she quite liked that idea but other members thought the lantern was quite expensive.
Councillor Lewis asked if the council could place red filters on the lights that fall onto the war memorial instead and members agreed to look into that.
Councillor Mark Hammond said they could also encourage local cafes, pubs and restaurants to take part by offering fish and chip suppers on the evening.
Members agreed to light the beacon and fly a VE flag as well as encouraging local businesses to sell fish and chip suppers and they will look into turning the lights at the war memorial red.
Meanwhile, town clerk Louise Hammond said she had received no response from suppliers interested in providing food and drink vans at this year’s fun day.
The sixth fun day in the town will take place on Sunday, August 17, it was agreed at a recent meeting.
Members agreed to contact the pop up pizza van which attended last year.
The fun day on the Groe has become a firm favourite in the town’s calendar giving children and their families a fun packed afternoon of attractions and entertainment, with games, inflatables, stalls, farm animals and machinery.
Last year there were also donkey rides, bouncy castles, face painting and many local clubs show casing what they do.
Anyone interested would be asked to give a donation from their takings and they should contact Builth Wells Town Council as soon as possible by calling 01982 551568 or by