Shropshire Star

Knighton Town Council has agreed to ask for an investigation to improve public transport infrastructure in the town

Knighton Town Council has agreed to ask for an investigation to improve public transport infrastructure in the town to benefit businesses, residents and visitors

Knighton Town Council has agreed to ask for an investigation to improve public transport infrastructure in the town to benefit businesses, residents and visitors
Knighton Town Council has agreed to ask for an investigation to improve public transport infrastructure in the town to benefit businesses, residents and visitors

They will ask Powys County Council and Transport for Wales to look at the best places for the siting of bus stops in the town with shelters, timetables and real time departure boards to serve the town centre.

Councillor Tom Taylor proposed a motion at a recent meeting. 

He said; “Knighton needs a town centre bus stop with shelter, timetables and

a real time departure board. It would serve the town centre businesses and increases football, it would be more pleasant and attractive for all users, it would be better for visitors to the town – bus station is remote and difficult to find, also first time visitors coming by bus often have to ask where the town centre is when getting off at the bus station.

“It would also advertise the bus services available and so encourages more use of

buses, real time departure board gives confidence to users that they haven’t missed the bus

and users know how long the bus will be and so removes anxiety.

“It would also promote and encourage Active Travel – walk into town and take shopping back on the bus, there would be less congestion and more parking spaces if people use the buses instead of driving and buses are safer than driving.”

Councillor Petranella Ford said she was confused as to why the council had spent money on a new bus shelter and plants etc at the community centre if they were looking at town centre bus stops. She said she thought that was the point of the bus station.

Councillor Tina Sharp agreed and said she would not agree to a bus stop at the cenotaph as she thinks it is disrespectful.

Councillor Taylor said the best place for a town centre bus stop would be outside the civic centre. “If we have a town centre bus stop visitors would be able to come into town and it would be good for business rather than dragging them to the bus station,” he said.

Deputy Mayor Councillor Ben Butler said the motion is only to investigate and explore all the options to benefit people in the town.

Members unanimously agreed to support the motion.