Shropshire Star

Kington Town Council has adopted a Biodiversity Plan and will now enact it in all its work

Kington Town Council has adopted a Biodiversity Plan and will now enact it in all its work

Kington Town Council has adopted a biodiversity plan and will now enact it in all its work.
Kington Town Council has adopted a biodiversity plan and will now enact it in all its work.

The object of the policy is to work towards enhancing and protecting the biodiversity within land owned or supported by the town council.

The council has vowed to consider sustainability, environmental impact and biodiversity when making decisions and will develop and implement policies and strategies as required.

Under its policy the council said it would ask the planning authority to consider the potential impact on biodiversity represented by relevant planning applications, and manage its land and property using environmentally friendly practices that will promote biodiversity.

The council will also support local businesses and council operations in the adoption of low impact practices and support residents and local organisation activities to enhance and promote biodiversity.

The policy will be reviewed each year together with a summary of how the policy has bene implemented in the previous 12 months.

Councillor Bob Widdowson said the policy had been through the council’s planning and environment committee to consider. 

“A working party was set up and they have considered what the council could do, they have looked at other councils and they have produced this policy.

“The policy requests that we consider biodiversity in whatever we do, when we are dealing with the churchyard or the Rec, when we are considering planning applications and then that we promote biodiversity issues within the community.”

Members agreed to adopt and implement the policy.