Toilets at a Knighton tourist attraction may be open this summer, as discussions take place on some last details
Toilets at a Knighton tourist attraction may be open this summer, as discussions take place on some last details

Knighton Town Council has agreed to run the toilets now that they have been refurbished.
Members were told that the lease agreement had arrived at the February town council meeting. They were advised to read through it and hopefully sign it at the March meeting.
Town clerk Lorian Craggs Alferoff said if the council can sign it in March they would be able to open the toilets for the summer season.
She said she had also heard from the Offa’s Dyke Association, which runs the visitor centre at the site, and they wanted to clarify some issues such as the emergency pull cord in the disabled toilets.
Ms Craggs Alferoff said she did not think the town council has the resources to have someone available to monitor that system 24 hours a day.
Councillor Petranella Ford said maybe they could put a sign up to say it would only be responded to when the Offa’s Dyke Centre is open but Councillor Tom Taylor said they should take it out and then the council would not have to service it, monitor it or worry about it.
The association also said they would like a set of keys to be able to access the toilets in the event of a leak etc.
The council also said it wants to have separate water and energy bills sent to the town council.
The council agreed that the clerk should contact Welsh Water and energy companies to ask what the process would be.