Shropshire Star

A Llandrindod Wells woman whose dog bit a husband and wife on two separate occasions within four months, will be allowed to keep her pet.

A Llandrindod Wells woman whose dog bit a husband and wife on two separate occasions within four months, will be allowed to keep her pet.

A Llandrindod Wells woman whose dog bit a husband and wife on two separate occasions within four months, will be allowed to keep her pet
A Llandrindod Wells woman whose dog bit a husband and wife on two separate occasions within four months, will be allowed to keep her pet

Six year-old mongrel Holly bit John Birchall’s wrist resulting in a 1.5 inch wound which has required five visits to hospital. Mr Birchall said his wrist is still numb now, 22 months on, a scar remains but there are no further symptoms.

The German Shepherd type dog then bit Deborah Birchall on her left foot leaving a puncture wound after snarling at Mrs Birchall as she was pinned up against a wall.

Shannon Tully admitted two charges of being the owner and person in charge of Holly which was dangerously out of control and bit Mr and Mrs Birchall on May 26 2023 and September 6 2023, when she appeared at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates Court previously.

She was sentenced at the court on Tuesday. She was fined £538 and will have to pay a £215 surcharge and £85 costs for the first incident. There is no separate penalty for the second matter but Tully will also have to pay £500 compensation to Mr Birchall and £100 to Mrs Birchall.

A conditional destruction order was made - meaning Holly will not be destroyed as long as Tully meets two conditions. Holly will have to be muzzled, and on a harness and lead in public and anybody caring for Holly will have to stick to the same conditions and it will be Tully’s responsibility to ensure they do.

Prosecuting, Ms Skye Connors said in the first incident Tully was returning home after a walk with her two dogs when Mr Birchall came along Lant Avenue with his dogs. He asked if he could stroke Holly and Tully said yes. Holly then bit Mr Birchall, while Tully had her back turned.

Ms Connors said in the second incident, Tully was walking her dogs, Holly was in a harness and was wearing a muzzle but she slipped out of them and went for Mrs Birchall. Mrs Birchall tried to run but she got pinned up against a wall and was kicking out her legs to protect herself as Holly snarled and showed her teeth, before biting Mrs Birchall on the foot.

A witness said Tully walked past and did not try and control Holly.

Mitigating, Mr Owain Jones said it was a ‘most upsetting case’ for everyone involved. He said Tully was anxious about the hearing and she takes responsibility for her dogs.

Mr Jones said in the first incident Tully had opened the door to enter her home when Mr Birchall asked if he could stroke Holly. He said Holly was on heat at the time and maybe she was feeling off colour.

Mr Jones said: “My client was not aware of any injury until she heard Mr Birchall say your dog bit me and it was only later that Mrs Birchall confronted her about it.

“She took steps and harnessed and muzzled her dog afterwards. The second incident was highly regrettable, the dog somehow escaped and disappeared and there was another incident.

“Before the first incident there had been no issue and following it there have been no further issues.”

Mr Jones said Tully is a carer and Holly, six now and four at the time, is a therapy dog and goes into care homes and is much loved. And this incident was out of character for Holly.

He said Tully has now arranged for Holly to be properly fitted with a muzzle immediately.

Probation officer Jade Price who carried out a pre-sentence report on Tully said since the incidents it had become clear that Holly had a tumour and has had seizures. It is not known how long the tumour was there.

She said Tully is of low risk of re-offending.

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