Shropshire Star

Six The Musical Live! will be coming to Builth Wells via a screening in London

Six The Musical Live! will be coming to Builth Wells via a screening in London

Six The Musical Live! will be coming to Builth Wells via a screening in London
Six The Musical Live! will be coming to Builth Wells via a screening in London

It will be shown at the Wyeside on Sunday, April 6 and Tuesday, April 8 at 7pm both nights.

Filmed at London’s Vaudeville Theatre, SIX the Musical Live! features the six original West End queens – Jarnéia Richard-Noel, Millie O'Connell, Natalie Paris, Alexia McIntosh, Aimie Atkinson and Maiya Quansah-Breed - each reprising their roles for a one-off, showstopping cinematic experience.

Unquestionably the British musical hit of the last decade, Six has been a remarkable homegrown success story, a short, sassy, electro-pop inflected burst of attitude that sees the six wives of Henry VIII go head to head against each other in an extremely entertaining diva-off, all victims of our former monarch’s deranged love life. 

Tickets are £16 for adults and £15 for concessions and they are available by visiting and for more information visit, call 01982 552555 or email