Businesses that want to expand or relocate to Powys but can’t find a suitable site or building that meets their needs, are being asked to let the council know

Businesses that want to expand or relocate to Powys but can’t find a suitable site or building that meets their needs, are being asked to let the council know

Business units on the Buttington Cross Enterprise Park just outside Welshpool
Business units on the Buttington Cross Enterprise Park just outside Welshpool

They can use this online form to give details of their ambitions and what they need to realise them:

“We want to help Powys businesses reach their full potential, so please let us know if we can do anything to help you find the new site or premises that you need,” said Councillor David Selby, Powys County Councils Cabinet Member for a More Prosperous Powys. “Our ambition is to create a stronger, fairer and greener Powys and we can only do that with a thriving economy that offers plenty of opportunities for well-paid employment.

“If you are considering relocating to, or starting a business in Powys, then we are here to help. Contact us to discuss the possibilities.”

Anyone with questions about economic development in Powys should email: