Shropshire Star

Telford teacher's super-duper book goes on sale

A new book penned by a Telford teacher to help children come to terms with adult illnesses has gone on sale.

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Gemma and Tom Everson with Georgia and Gracie

Gemma Everson wrote ‘Supercharged Superhero' after her husband Tom developed myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) a disabling and complex illness, which frequently causes fatigue which can not cured by rest.

Now the family-of-four have published the moving story which features images by Wellington illustrators Hope Gwilliam and Becky Rawlins.

Some orders have so far come from ME sufferers at home and abroad including from Australia, Korea, Italy and the United States.

Written in rhyme it is based on the Eversons own journey with the condition after Tom a Royal Navy officer, who had been previously energetic, was left practically bed bound three years ago.

It describes his illness as like a "battery being broken" so that their children Georgia, aged five, and Gracie, aged two, could understand why their daddy was not sometimes able to join in activities with them, such as swimming and bike rides.

Mrs Everson, a primary school teacher, says: "I'm so happy that I've to this stage to where the book is ready and being sold. I never set out to be a writer.

"I'm a school teacher and a mother. I initially wrote it for Georgia to help her understand what was happening to Tom. But the fact that we are in this situation and able to share our experiences with families in a similar situation makes me feel really proud.

"Although millions of people have had ME there's no other book like mine available. A lady from Australia who has severe ME has ordered a copy so that she can read it to her young nephew."

The book's publication comes ahead of preparations to mark ME Awareness Week from May 11-17 which the family is supporting.

"I'm glad we can help to raise awareness of the impact of ME in this way. Especially at a time like this. It's also surprising how many people even some doctors don't appear to want to take it seriously because they can't see the illness."

The Eversons have been assisted by Shropshire ME Group which organises meetings for patients and carers. It hosts sessions across the county, in Montgomery, and at Telford's Princess Royal Hospital.

Copies of Supercharged Superhero are available from, Amazon and Etsy.

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