Shropshire Star

Final bid lodged for new Telford industrial units

Final plans have been put in for a new business development in Telford.

An artist’s impression of how the two new buildings planned for Hortonwood, Telford would look

Two new buildings could be built in Hortonwood, divided into 15 individual units.

The exact processes to take place within the buildings are not known at this stage, but the development is set to cover a total of 2.4 acres on land east of the Queensway HLC school.

The site currently has outline consent for single larger unit with a slightly alerted boundary, but a reserve matters application, designed to finalise the design and layout of the site, has been put forward for a decision by Telford & Wrekin Council.

The current site is green field but the site is identified for industrial purposes and has been allocated as a committed employment site within the Wrekin Local Plan.

The site will have a total of 67 car parking spaces, with six designated car parking spaces.

A design and access statement, submitted with the plans, says: "The proposed scale and siting of the proposed development on the designated plot is considered to be appropriate and full account has been taken of the ecology of the area and the requirements of the local planning authority."

The plans were submitted on November 8 and will be decided by Telford & Wrekin Council in the coming months.