Shropshire Star

One-way system part of big plans for Newport in bid to create more jobs and houses

Speed limits could be extended, weight limits added and new one-way systems introduced on 10 roads around Newport.

Changes are planned for Newport's road network. Photo: Google StreetView.

Plans have been put forward to change a number of roads around the town.

Residents are now being called to have their say on the proposals, which are all part of a bid to make the town better to live and work in.

A map highlighting the 10 roads that could see changes as part of the Newport project

It is all part of the Newport Innovation and Enterprise package, part of which will see the council build a new business park on Audley Avenue.

Telford & Wrekin Council hopes the enterprise and science park will have direct links to the Harper Adams Centre for Innovation.

It is hoped the changes will attract investment from high tech businesses, stimulating complementary research and development activities and encouraging supply chain growth across a wide range of companies engaged in new agricultural technologies and with links to Telford’s manufacturing sector.

The Newport Innovation and Enterprise Package seeks to bring forward 1,350 new houses and 10 acres of employment land creating 400 new jobs including the new business park.

Consultation has now begun on plans to change 10 roads around Newport town centre.

This will form just part of the overall project.

Proposals, which are available to view online, involve extending the 20mph zone on Boughey Road and Wellington Road and putting in a 30mph extension on Wellington Road.

A new pedestrian crossing is proposed for Station Road and Upper Bar, with a review of bollard operation on Audley Avenue.

New weight restrictions could be brought in on Pave Lane and Forton Road, with a width restriction on the High Street.

One way systems could be introduced on the Avenue Road, Granville Avenue and Audley Avenue area, Beaumaris Road and Water Lane.

In addition to the above schemes, there is a proposal to review and improve the directional signing in and around

Newport to ensure all traffic is use the most appropriate routes.

An overview on the overall project says: "The project needs to be delivered to address the following.

"Newport has a lack of employment floor space, particularly quality facilities for research and development the lack of job opportunities in Newport puts a greater reliance on the highways network given the increased level of car journeys to employment hubs such as Telford.

There are low levels of Research and Development and commercialisation and poor virtual and physical connectivity."

It adds: "The package includes funding to support improvements within Newport town centre to ensure the job and housing creation is linking to continuing support of the town centre.

"This package is to be scoped with the Town Council within the available budget but could include delivery of road safety and schemes as scoped and agreed with the community safety partnership which includes speed limits changes, movement restrictions and parking restrictions; improvements to bus infrastructure in the Newport area; provision of pick up and drop off parking at Newport bus station; new cycle parking facilities in Newport town centre and at Newport bus station; additional public seating at Newport bus station; electric car charging points and enhanced signing of the cycle route between Newport town centre and the enterprise and science park."

Feasibility work is also currently being carried out on ways to improve road access to the new business park, looking at improvements to the A41 and A518 southern roundabout, creating a new roundabout for the A518 and Audley Avenue and the new enterprise and science park

There could also be another new roundabout between Audley Avenue and Station Road.

There are also plans to convert a section of the A518 between the A41 and Audley Avenue to dual carriageway with a parallel off road cycle and pedestrian route alongside.

The National Speed Limit currently applies on the road, although this can be changed

There could also be further improvements at the A518 and Station Road roundabout.

Residents are being asked to have their say on the town centre improvements, and on the plans as a whole.

For more information, visit