Shropshire Star

Shropshire gym bosses call for support as the industry looks to fight back again

Gyms have their sights set on a mid-April return, and Shropshire bosses are calling for support to be pumped into the industry after the third lockdown left some clubs "in dire straits"

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Dave Courteen, from The Shrewsbury Club, has questioned the logic of forcing gyms to close during the new lockdown

News that gyms and health clubs will be one of the first industries opening up again comes as a boost, considering they have been made to wait in previous lockdown.

As well as gyms, indoor leisure centres and indoor swimming pools will also reopen in step two of the plan “but only for use by individuals or household groups”.

With five weeks between each of the four steps, gyms could reopen from April 12 at the earliest, although group classes will still likely be restricted.

Dave Courteen, managing director of The Shrewsbury Club, wants to see a robust package of support for the trade in Rishi Sunak's budget this week to help gyms stave off the threat of closure.

Mr Courteen, who is also one the members council of industry body UK Active, has called for job retention bonuses as well as rates and VAT relief for gyms.

Mr Courteen said: "I think it's fairly good news that we'll be able to open again. It's great that health clubs are one of the earliest facilities to open. In earlier lockdowns we were one of the last to reopen, so it's good news that the government has recognised that gyms are relatively safe and the transmission levels are low.

"That is really encouraging and positive. But there is slightly mixed messaging in terms of not being able to do saunas and steam rooms, even with social distancing in place.

"I think it's really important for people's wellbeing to be able to go out and exercise."

Mr Courteen added: "A lot of clubs are in dire straits because of the third lockdown, so we are hoping for some sort of support in the budget so clubs can continue.

"The things we are looking for are an extension of the rates relief holiday, which would be a really significant bit of support, the implementation of the Job Retention Bonus Scheme. That was taken away when the furlough scheme was extended.

He is also keen for the VAT reduction afforded to hospitality firms to include health clubs. "Why would you not want to encourage exercise and healthy living?"

Mr Courteen added: "It's been extremely hard for everybody. We had the good news of the vaccine in early December, and then suddenly we get hit with three or four months of lockdown.

"This lockdown we've been able to do online classes and stream them through our website, which has worked a lot better. We're going to continue with that. We've also completed the building of a yoga pod which will be another space to do classes."

The yoga pod was built by Shrewsbury-based Darwin Composites and will be ready to use as soon as Covid-19 rules allow it.

Maurice Cooney of Alpha Athletic

Maurice Cooney, owner and founder of Alpha Athletic in Newport, said: "The first lockdown was a real blow to the business as we had invested heavily in the expansion of our gym facilities and its kit and then had to shut our doors.

"But we were fortunate and managed to weather the storm and came through it the other side stronger for it as a business.

"Between lockdowns we were continuing to go from strength to strength before we entered lockdown two, and then now this third lockdown. I decided to invest again in even more equipment, only two weeks before lockdown three hit.

"This third lockdown has without doubt hit us hard as a business, harder than any of the previous ones, but I know I’m not alone in this and I count myself lucky that I will still have a business when all this is over, as others haven't been so fortunate, and that really is thanks to the support of my landlord and my fantastic members.

"I think when lockdown one hit, none of us really knew just how serious Covid was and the health implications, so whilst it was frustrating having to close my doors, as a responsible business owner I toed the line.

"Whilst this has slowed our progression plans as a business down, it certainly won’t stop what we have planned going forward .

"I’m extremely excited about the announcement and our industry finally being given the date of April 12 to potentially reopen.

"It’s been awful being in limbo and not being able to plan anything or know when your financial tap will once again be turned back on.

"As an industry I really do believe we are part of the solution to an ongoing health problem, we help drastically with improving both people's physical and mental health."