Shropshire Star

Shropshire businessman calls on new PM to provide 'clarity and long-term plan'

The boss of a pressings specialist has called on the new Prime Minister to provide "clarity and a long-term plan" to support businesses and boost the economy.

Christopher Greenough, chief commercial officer at Shrewsbury-based manufacturer SDE Technology

Christopher Greenough, chief commercial officer at Shrewsbury-based manufacturer SDE Technology, said Rishi Sunak will need to act quickly to help give businesses the support they need to invest.

"With the last few months leaving the political system and the UK economy is disarray, I am looking for clarity and a long-term plan from the new Prime Minister and his team," he said.

"He will need to act quickly to support, promote and encourage business to invest and give the economy the boost it so vitally needs.

"The manufacturing sector is a key driver to the economy, and it should not be overlooked, as it has been for many years.

"There are truly great things happening around the sector, and this drive for invention and innovation can help create highly paid, long-term jobs that will add to the wealth of the nation.

"Shropshire has some great businesses, both large and small, and these businesses like I are looking forward to engaging with the new Prime Minister and his cabinet to help scope policy to make the coming years a success."

Shevaun Haviland, director general of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: “The political and economic uncertainty of the past few months has been hugely damaging to British business confidence and must now come to an end.

“The new Prime Minister must be a steady hand on the tiller to see the economy through the challenging conditions ahead.

“This means setting out fully costed plans to deal with the big issues facing businesses; soaring energy bills, labour shortages, spiralling inflation, and climbing interest rates.

“We cannot afford to see any more flip-flopping on policies – the UK’s businesses need a sustainable, long-term economic plan they can believe in."

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