Shropshire Star

Traders in Ludlow won't launch large campaign against M&S Food Hall after survey reveals split opinions

Traders in Ludlow are split over plans for an M&S Foodhall on the outskirts of town.

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Artist's impression; Picture: Corstorphine & Wright

A plan has been lodged with Shropshire Council planners for a retail unit to the south of Sheet Road.

Ludlow Chamber of Commerce has found that a slim majority of 57 per cent of its 100 members who were surveyed feel it would be "detrimental to the town’s local economy."

But it is such a slim majority that Ludlow Chamber of Commerce has decided not to launch a campaign against it. A spokesperson said it would be "disproportionally time consuming when the likelihood is for the scheme to be approved. "

So the business leaders have turned their attention to persuading Shropshire Council planners to lay down a series of conditions.

A spokesman for the chamber said: "Clearly there are mixed feelings about the proposal and the chamber committee, as a volunteer group of business owners, are experienced enough to know that to launch a large campaign in opposition to the proposal would be disproportionally time consuming when the likelihood is for the scheme to be approved.

"However the Chamber would like to raise a number of points which they would like south Shropshire planning committee to consider when discussing the application and take into account our concluding remarks of this objection letter as possible conditions to be made of the applicant when granting them planning permission."

The chamber has queried a retail analysis carried out in 2017 as being "out of date", which does not reflect the rise in online and grocery delivery and current constraints on consumer spending.

"The Chamber believes that it is a whole combination of influencing factors over an extended period of time that gradually erodes the footfall of any town centre," said the spokesman.

They make the point that the land has been earmarked for employment rather than retail. Senior planners have raised the same point with the applicants.

Some businesses fear that a new "high-end supermarket on the outskirts of the town will inevitably reduce footfall in the town centre".

They add: "Whilst Ludlow has over 900 new houses being built over the next 10 years, surely the infrastructure of the town also needs improving to deal with increased capacity.

"Many locals don’t use the town centre as parking has become impossible at peak times, this has become more apparent as shops and services have reduced their opening hours and there has been no increase in car parking provision in the last 20 years.

"Combined with the increase in fees for both on and off-street parking, the town centre is slowly suffocating due to the lack of vision of both the local and county level councils."

The traders are asking for attention to be put into improving the town's park and ride.

"Ludlow is currently experiencing higher number of high street business closures than usual. The combination of pressures on personal finances, online purchasing and high business rates are taking a toll," said the spokesman.

"The Chamber recognise the views upheld by a UK government briefing paper on the challenges facing high streets and town centres, and the importance of the small business sector on the health of the local and national economy."

Ludlow Chamber of Trade and Commerce has urged conditions should be imposed as part of any approval for the scheme. They include:

> That M&S contribute capital funding to improve the existing Ludlow Park & Ride facility that is housed at the Eco Park, including improvement to bus-shelter infrastructure and public information and promotion of the facility.

> That M&S contribute ongoing long-term revenue funding to increase the frequency of P & R buses to increase capacity and keep ticket prices low.

The chamber want the council to designate further land for employment and make funding available to develop a new complex of small workshop/unit investment.

They also want to see a full and up to date retail impact assessment, with recommendations for any mitigation.

A spokesman for M&S said: “We are hoping to open a brand new M&S Foodhall in Ludlow, offering local customers a wide range of great quality, trusted value M&S Food products. Following our very positive public consultation with the local community, we’re now reviewing all the feedback we have received and we are looking to arrange meeting with the Ludlow Chamber of Trade and Commerce to discuss their comments in more detail.

“This significant investment in the local area will make a positive contribution to the local economy – both by unlocking employment opportunities for up to 70 people and by helping to attract shoppers to the local area, enhancing the existing, vibrant retail offer in Ludlow. We look forward to continuing our engagement with the local community as our plans progress.”

A public consultation deadline has been set for Monday, February 20.

The plan, which has a reference number 22/05682/FUL is available for comment at

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