Shropshire Star

Bid to stamp out 'legalised looting of Oswestry's shops welcomed by frustrated trader

A trader has warmly welcomed a new bid to stamp out the 'legalised looting' problem of shoplifting in a north Shropshire town.

Kerry Chilton, from Barkers Jewellery & Gifts and The Ring Workshop Ltd

Oswestry has been hit by a 'rapid rise in shoplifting and incidents of anti-social behaviour' in common with many places across the UK.

Now Oswestry BID (Business Improvement District) in close partnership with Oswestry Police, have agreed to pay for new Rangers to provide a link between shops and the police. They will also be trained to security industry standards and be given first aid and skills in recognising mental health and dementia issues.

Abi Francis-Jones, proprietor of Barkers, in Smithfield Street, says it will be good to see a visible presence on the streets.

"Bigger retailers have a big problem," she said. "In some stores it is almost like legalised looting.

"Rangers are a great idea because anyone in retail is aware that this has increased and that we need a deterrent, so it can only be a positive thing. It can only be classed as a positive."

Ian Massey, the manager of the town's keystone Sainsbury store, said he has seen lots of antisocial behaviour since he arrived at the Black Gate Street supermarket 12 months ago.