Shropshire Star

Law firm provides support to Ludlow foodbank

Law firm mfg Solicitors has donated £1,000 to help support Ludlow Foodbank as the need grows for emergency winter food and clothing packages.

Last updated
Sharon Lerry from mfg Solicitors

The law firm, which has offices in Corve Street, has provided the money through its CSR Committee.

Sharon Lerry, senior associate and head of mfg’s CSR Committee said: “Foodbanks provide a lifeline for so many people, especially during the winter and festive seasons.

“Not only do they make sure families are fed, but they also provide clothing for the young and the elderly at a time when they need it the most.

“We’re delighted to be donating £1,000 to the foodbank and to be supporting their work, much of which often goes unseen.

"I know they are already putting the money to good use.”

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