Shropshire Star

'It is heartbreaking': County farmers warn of 'lean harvest' ahead after months of heavy rain

Farmers across the county expect to have a "lean harvest" this year after "heartbreaking" months of exceptional rainfall.

NFU representatives at the Shropshire County Show: Malcolm Roberts, Georgie Hyde, Richard Yates and Edward Garratt

The agricultural community gathered in force at the Shropshire County Show at the weekend to celebrate the sector's contribution to the economy - and the nation's dinner plates.

But there are many looming issues, including trade deals, food security, planning and diversification, that the industry wants tackled.

Edward Garratt, the Shropshire county adviser for the National Farmers Union (NFU) said he has seen a "heartbreaking" picture of Shropshire from the air.

"I have seen parts of the county from the air and it is heartbreaking," he said. "There are patches of water everywhere.

"We have had nine months of exceptional rainfall. Three quarters of winter crops were not planted and some including potatoes have been planted a month late.

"We are in for a lean harvest. Farmers are working their socks off to produce food in an environmentally friendly way as best they can."

Show exhibitor Paul Pennington, who farms 750 acres at Oldington Farm, near Bridgnorth, predicted that it would be a "patchy" harvest.

"We have been battered this year."