Shropshire Star

Mum who's always wanted a business opens toy shop in the town her dad ran a garage in

A mother-of-two has opened a toy shop after a chance visit to an event run by Theo Paphitis inspired her to set up her own business.

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Holly and her children at the shop

Holly Brett has opened Stars & Scamps, in Scotland Street, Ellesmere, following in the footsteps of her father, who ran a garage in the town.

"Owning my own business has been something I’ve always thought about," said Holly. "My dad, Bernard, used to have a garage in Ellesmere – Brett & Collins.

"And so, with him previously having a business in the town, the whole community thing has always been important to me.

“My sister Gemma and Laura Peill also own Tired Mums Coffee and won a small business award being given out by Theo Paphitis. He puts on a seminar for all of the award winners and neither Gemma or Laura could go because of work commitments."

Holly and her children at the shop

"So I went down in their place. I started chatting to lots of small business owners. They started telling me, if I had an idea, to go for it. They were saying: 'What's the worst that can happen? You might lose a little bit of money, if it doesn't work out, but at least you have given it a go!'