Shropshire Star

We went to try Shrewsbury pub's new outdoor 'pool football' craze - it's harder than it looks

A Shrewsbury pub has had a genius idea which combines pool and football outdoors - so we decided to give it a go.

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But let's put it this way, an ageing overweight reporter and a younger photographer won't be giving up their day jobs any time soon.

The outdoor pool football - played on real grass - has proved so successful at the Red Barn, on Longden Road, that an initial investment of £5,000 has been paid back already.

And the sporty food business is on to such a winner that the national press has shown an interest too.

Henry Catterson, 10

It is the brainchild of Andy O'Brien, a local singer who now lives in Pontesbury who also does lots for the pub on social media.

When the Shropshire Star's dynamic duo of reporter David Tooley and photographer Jamie Ricketts visited on Tuesday, Andy was also cutting the grass.