Shropshire Star

Shropshire entrepreneur's company named fastest-growing in the Midlands

A Shropshire entrepreneur says it feels 'surreal and amazing' after his company was named the Midlands’ fastest-growing private company.

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Liam Molesworth and Sam Alsop-Hall

Clive Henry Group, a healthcare recruitment and consultancy firm, has been ranked the second fastest-growing private company in the UK, according to the third annual Sunday Times 100 rankings –

The company was founded in 2019 by Liam Molesworth, aged 31 and Sam Alsop-Hall, 34, who lives in Shrewsbury and attended Wrekin College, as well as Adams Grammar School.

Since starting up, the group now consists of four separate companies selling services to the NHS, the public sector and the wider health and care industry, including agency staff and technology consultancy.

Sales hit £20 million last year, with an impressive 264.5 per cent average annual growth in the last three years.

"We have grown the business really quickly but didn't realise we were second in this league table," said Sam. "It's a bit surreal really, especially seeing some of the companies in the list who are quite well known.

"Since I found out, the response has been amazing. The healthcare industry needs support and we are proud to be a part of that. What we have achieved takes a bit of luck but also a lot of hard work."

The Clive Henry Group was named after Sam and Liam's grandfathers – Clive Loxham and John Henry Molesworth.

And Sam recalls: "My grandfather had his own business and I remember a conversation where I said: 'Do you think I should set up my own company?'

"He said: 'What have you got to lose? Give it a go and the worst case scenario, you will just go back into the employment market after'. I wouldn't have had the courage to do it unless he'd had that chat with me. He passed away during the pandemic, so didn't get to see the success but he was a big inspiration."

The research for The Sunday Times 100 found on average the top 100 fastest-growing companies have increased their sales by 118 per cent a year over the last three years to a combined £2.9 billion in sales.

In total the companies employ 13,670 people, having created 10,000 new jobs in the last three years, with 99 of them planning further hires in the next 12 months – equating to around 3,800 additional jobs.

Out of the 100 companies featured in the ranking more than a third (43) are based in London, with the rest spread through-out the country including 12 in the West Midlands.

Jim Armitage, business editor of The Sunday Times said: "Our politicians talk about how they will deliver economic growth, but it is the graft of entrepreneurs – such as those featured on this year's Sunday Times 100 – who achieve it. Their remarkable resilience in difficult economic conditions shows what is possible with vision and hard work."

The research for the Sunday Times 100 was conducted in partnership with Beauhurst, a source of private company data. As well as a dedicated online hub and print supplements, The Sunday Times 100 also hosts a series of networking events for participants.

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