Shropshire Star

Ellesmere company in training to help children's hospice

A staff team from a company in Ellesmere are in training to for a 10k run – and have already raised more than £1,000 for charity.

Team Hiab who have already smashed their £1,000 fundraising target.

The team from the on-road load handling equipment specialists’ logistics department at Hiab are taking on the Oswestry 10k on October 13 to raise money for Hope House Children's Hospice.

The team confess that they’re also hoping that their new sportier lifestyle will counteract the effects of their shared love of cake.

Team members Kelly Scott, 37, and Ian Walford, aged 53, visited the children’s hospice, in Morda, on an open morning, and said they came away even more inspired to help.

The cake loving team admitted that their original motivation was to get fit together.

Kelly said: “We all love cake and have supported Hope House’s Let’s Eat Cake campaigns.

"To make up for all the cake, we realised we needed to do more exercise. I broke my leg last year so have had to build my fitness back up.

"We’ve enjoyed supporting each other to get fitter and healthier.”

Ian added: “I’m the other side of 50 and had put on some extra pounds. A few of us started to do regular three-mile walks at lunchtime together.

"These turned into jogs, and we progressed to doing a couch to 5k. We decided we needed a real challenge to motivate us.

"When our colleague Vicky Lea suggested running the Oswestry 10k for Hope House children’s hospice, we knew it was the perfect fit.

“Vicky is a serious runner, who has taken on marathons and extreme races. She’s also the one who brings in the cupcakes and muffins.

"She has been our coach and motivator when we need that extra push. I think we would have all given up by now if it wasn’t for her positivity and her amazing motivation.”

A visit to the hospice, meeting children and staff and seeing the facilities on offer, has also inspired Team Hiab to keep going.

Dad Ian was particularly moved by the visit.

He said: “When my daughter Bethan was born, she spent the first eight weeks of her life in hospital.

"We felt quite isolated and unsure of the future. Thankfully, she grew stronger, and is now 26 years old and doing brilliantly.

"However, I can see how vitally important Hope House is in providing that family support and specialist care that hospitals simply can’t offer.”

Hiab have smashed their £1,000 fundraising target and are now nearing £2,000, and they’re keen to do more for Hope House.

If you’d like to run for Team Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith then find out more at

Sponsor the Hiab team at

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