Shropshire Star

New warehouse and offices planned by Broseley firm as part of 'ongoing expansion'

A steel and aluminium manufacturer has submitted plans to build a large new warehouse and offices at its Broseley base.


Syspal Ltd, which is based on Cockshutt Lane in Broseley, has applied to build a 2,000 square metre new industrial building on vacant land to the north of the company's existing premises.

The firm designs and manufactures stainless steel and aluminium products for the food, pharmaceutical, veterinary and medical sectors, and employs around 200 people at its base around two miles outside Telford.

The application comes on the heels of the company's most recent expansion at the site, which saw a larger 5,500 square metre four-bay warehouse built on former scrapyard land on Cockshutt Lane following approval in 2019.

A planning statement submitted with the proposals said the building was needed due to the firm's "ongoing expansion requirements".

"This development proposal puts forward the erection of a new single bay unit to support the existing Syspal facility adjacent to the site," it said. 

"The need for this unit is driven by the ongoing expansion requirements of the existing operations and the client's commitment to maintaining their presence in Broseley.

A CGI impression of how the new development at Syspal could look (Shropshire Council/planning portal)
A CGI impression of how the new development at Syspal could look (Shropshire Council/planning portal)

"The proposed location for the unit was previously an open field, utilised by owners of The New House. Since then, the land and dwelling have been acquired by the applicant Syspal Properties Ltd. The site was used as a compound during the construction of the recently completed building to the south of the application site."

Access to the unit will be via an existing entrance off Wilkinson Avenue, with a new access road constructed to allow articulated lorries to access the service yard. Also included in the scheme are 29 extra parking spaces, including two disabled spaces and two electric charging bays.

A traffic assessment for the site provided by the applicant showed an estmiated extra 68 vehicle journeys per day would be generated by the development, described in the report as "modest vehicular movements" which were "well within the daily variations" of normal traffic flows on Cockshutt Lane.

Nonetheless, a 1.8-metre-high barrier has been included in the scheme to reduce the noise levels on the site for residents of nearby Wilkinson Avenue and Brandywell Road. 

"The planned uses will generate some noise from activity in the building and vehicles in the yard," added a noise assessment report.

"Some noise control mitigation has been introduced to acceptable noise levels and ensure no more than a low impact. A 1.8m-high barrier has been introduced on the northern and eastern side of the yard and car park."

The scheme will be decided by Shropshire Council following the end of the statutory consultation period on April 9. 

The plans can be viewed online via the council's planning portal using reference 25/00869/FUL.

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