Shropshire Star

Wrekin financial advisors clear £2 million of tenants’ debts

Financial advisors from the Wrekin Housing Group have helped to clear over £2 million of tenants’ debt.

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Wrekin Debt Advice team - Sam Siviter, Dan Bebbington and Lois Alexander receive their award from the IMA

The milestone has been reached by the group’s Debt Advice Service after it was set up in September 2019 to help customers facing financial difficulties.

The team of experts have handled over 830 cases and supported hundreds of tenants to reduce their debts by working with creditors to provide them with breathing space.

They also offer assistance by looking for ways to maximise their income, reduce spending and manage their rent and household bills.

There has been a sharp rise in referrals to the free, impartial service during the cost of living crisis as the price of everyday essentials has increased faster than average

The Debt Advice Service forms part of the group’s Money Matters Team, which also offers guidance on welfare entitlement and sustaining tenancies.

The team was named ‘Debt Team of The Year’ at the Institute of Money Advisers (IMA) Money Advice Awards 2023.

Dan Bebbington, Wrekin’s debt & energy manager, said: “We understand that people are worried about rising costs. We want our customers to know that we’re here to help.

“Wrekin Debt Advice offers free and confidential advice and support to customers who are struggling to pay bills and manage their money. They’re a dedicated team and its testament to their hard work that they saved our customers over £2m since the service was launched in 2019.

“We know there’s still more work to be done as we’ve seen a real increase in people needing our help during the cost-of-living crisis and will continue to support our customers through these difficult times.”

Wrekin customers can access the Debt Advice service by calling 01952 217251.

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