Shropshire Star

Pensioner banned from driving after admitting causing biker death

A pensioner has been banned from getting behind the wheel and given a curfew after causing the death of a motorcyclist by careless driving.


Brenda Southan, aged 79, admitted causing the death of Wayne Pattinson by careless/inconsiderate driving when she appeared at Telford Magistrates Court.

The court heard the crash took place on the A49 in Woofferton, near Ludlow, on May 27, 2017.

The court was shown CCTV footage from a nearby pub of the collision.

Prosecuting, Abigail Hall said: “The vehicles were a silver Honda CR-V driven by the defendant and Wayne Pattinson was riding a Velocette motorcycle at the time of the collision.

"A further vehicle, a Ford Fiesta, driven by a witness was involved as a consequence of the collision.

“The Honda was being driven southbound toward Leominster, positioned in the centre filter lane for B4362, Station Road. CCTV appears to show it does not come to a complete stop. The motorcycle was travelling northbound towards Ludlow.

“The motorcycle was being driven on the correct side of the road and the Honda was being driven in the opposite direction, as the Honda turned right towards Station Road it was across the path of the motorcycle. The motorcycle collided with the front of the vehicle.

“Wayne Pattinson was dismounted from the motorcycle and collided with the windscreen, then collided with the Ford Fiesta – which was at the junction of Station Road. He received multiple injuries and he was pronounced dead at the scene.”

The cause of death was listed as multiple injuries – head, chest and pelvis – as a result of the collision.

Defence barrister Simon Goodman said: “She is devastated. When she was interviewed it was clear then that she was extremely remorseful. She has stopped driving.”

District judge Kevin Grego gave Southan, of Pool Heyes Lane, Willenhall, a community order with a curfew that she must be at her home address between the hours of 7pm and 6am for the next 16 weeks.

He also disqualified her from driving for three years and ordered her to pay a fine of £500, costs of £185 and a victim surcharge of £85.

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