Shropshire Star

Man charged with Telford Next break-ins after police cars rammed in chase

A man has been charged with a series of shop burglaries in Telford and criminal damage after several police cars were rammed during a chase.

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The scene at Next at the Forge Retail Park in Telford

Officers on patrol on Tuesday morning tried to pull over a suspected stolen van they believed was linked to retail burglaries.

The van made off and police cars were damaged before the vehicle came to a stop in Guild Avenue, Blakenall, Walsall, at around 10.10am.

Five police officers were hurt during the incident but none was seriously injured.

The pursuit came to a halt in Guild Avenue, Blakenall, Walsall

Christopher Talbot, of Orchard Road, Wolverhampton, has been charged with criminal damage to three police BMWs, plus two cars belonging to members of the public, and to a wall.

The 38-year-old has also been charged with dangerous driving, driving while disqualified, and aggravated vehicle taking.

It is alleged he was behind the wheel of a Transit van that was stolen in Walsall on March 17.

Talbot is also accused of committing four burglaries in the space of eight days at Next at the Forge Retail Park in Telford.

He is charged with burglary on March 20, 22, 23 and 28.

He has been remanded in custody and will appear at Wolverhampton Crown Court on April 27 for a plea hearing.

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