Catalytic converter marking session in bid to prevent rise in thefts from cars
Drivers can get their vehicle's catalytic converters marked against theft at an event later this month.
Leominster safer neighbourhood team will be working in conjunction with Bennetts Vehicle Services to offer the catalytic converter marking session on Saturday, November 12, between 10am and 1pm.
PCSO Stephanie Harper, of Leominster Safer Neighbourhood Team said: "There has been a small spate of catalytic converter thefts throughout West Mercia policing area. In relation to that we are organising a catalytic converter marking session. The idea is to make the special metals inside a catalytic converter easily identifiable by way of property marking."
The session, at Leominster Police Station, will be by appointment only, due to the time needed for each vehicle.
It will involve Bennetts Vehicle Services getting underneath the car - the vehicle will likely need to go on ramps - and then using either a Smartwater marking kit or a Selecta security marking kit to mark the catalytic converter. This will take about 20 minutes in total.
Not all catalytic converters can be marked due to the design of the car.
Police ask people to check to see whether it necessary to mark your make and model of vehicle to prevent any wasted journeys. For example; some manufactures have already taken steps to protect catalytic converters by housing them inside secured boxes and so it is unnecessary to mark these catalytic converters.
To book one of the limited places you should contact Leominster Safer Neighbourhood team at and a member of the team will get back to you.