Shropshire Star

West Mercia Police's tips for celebrating a New Year's Eve night out safely

West Mercia Police has today published a series of 'top tips', put together by the charity Crimestoppers, to encourage people to stay safe as they see in the new year.


With the previous year's Covid-19 restrictions being lifted, the police force is predicting a particularly busy New Year's Eve this year.

Officers will be on patrol throughout the evening for anyone who is worried about threatening behaviour, drink spiking, stalking or harassment.

Chief Inspector Mark Reilly of Shrewsbury SNT said: “We want everyone to enjoy their New Year’s Eve celebrations and have a night to remember for all the right reasons.

“The majority of people will be looking to have a fun night out with friends and family, however for the small minority who may be looking to ruin someone else’s night, our warning to you is that officers will be out and about on patrol, in uniform and plain clothes, watching you.

“If you are enjoying a night out and feel unsafe or worried about any threatening or violent behaviour, drink spiking, stalking or harassment, please let us or bar staff know. In an emergency, if a crime is in progress always ring 999.”

See the police tips for a safe and happy New Year's Eve below:

  • Safety in numbers - always stay within a group when possible, this reduces the risk of being targeted by people who could be out to take advantage

  • Get taxis or arrange a lift - when travelling at night always book a taxi or get a lift with someone you trust

  • Always book your taxi - book a licensed mini-cab or taxi you know is reputable and reliable. Black cabs are the only type of private hire that you can hail on the street unlike all other cabs which must be pre-booked via phone or app. Don’t be tempted to get into an unlicensed cab for a quicker ride home

  • Drink in moderation and watch your drink - always stay in control when drinking alcohol. Keep a close eye on your drinks and never leave them unattended at any point

  • Stay in well-lit areas - if walking home after a night out, always stay in well-lit areas where there are plenty of people. People are less likely to commit crime if there is good lighting, CCTV and people around to see what is happening

  • Always plan a route home and make sure you stick to places you know - never take shortcuts, especially down dark allies, by canals or through unlit parks

  • Keep valuables hidden - don’t advertise your mobile phone to people on the street - keep them hidden. Keep all valuables like phones, wallets and purses in zipped pockets or bags

  • Keep away from hostile situations - if there is a fight or an argument stay out of it and get help from bouncers or the police