Shropshire Star

Jailed: Drug dealer who had knife caught peddling crack cocaine and heroin in Shrewsbury

A drug dealer with a knife who was caught trying to peddle heroin and crack cocaine in a town centre has been jailed.

Police searched McDonald's belongings at the Prince Rupert Hotel in Shrewsbury. Picture: Google.

Bradley McDonald, aged 25, was caught dealing in the Frankwell, Shrewsbury, on January 18 this year. He also had a kitchen knife in his possession.

He was arrested and a search of his belongings at the Prince Rupert Hotel in Butcher Row, Shrewsbury, was carried out. Police found crack cocaine worth £2,000 and heroin worth hundreds of pounds, as well as £285 in cash and two phones containing incriminating messages indicative of drug dealing.

When interviewed by police, McDonald initially gave “no comment” responses before later co-operating.

McDonald, of Broadmeadows Close, Willenhall, Walsall, pleaded guilty to two counts of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs, possession of a bladed article in a public place and possession of criminal property – namely the cash. Kevin Jones, mitigating, said he was a drug addict who was being put up in the hotel, which received plaudits nationally for putting a roof over the head of many homeless people during the Covid pandemic.

“He was being exploited,” said Mr Jones. “He has had a difficult upbringing. He is the youngest of four sons who were being looked after by a single mother. He had behavioural problems in school and was diagnosed with ADHD.”

Mr Jones said McDonald was previously worked for an aerospace company as an engineer, but lost the job due to heavy drinking.

“He’s had a taste of custody, and he see’s the advantage of it,” added Mr Jones. “He is going to be sober.”

Recorder Jonathan Taylor told McDonald: “It’s a great pity to see somebody like you in front of the court. Your addiction to drugs is the nub of the problem.”

McDonald was jailed for 35 months. He is expected to serve half in custody before being released on licence. Recorder Taylor also ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs, and for the cash to be seized.

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