Shropshire Star

Jailed: Telford drug dealer fell over when he was chased by police

A Telford drug dealer who fell over when being chased by police has been jailed for three years.


Connor Shepherd, aged 22, was spotted by police officers in Madeley, who had been given intelligence that he was suspected to be involved in drugs.

Officers approached Shepherd, but he ran off towards an alleyway. They gave chase, and saw him throw away a small bag, before he slipped and fell over.

Officers caught him, and found another bag on Shepherd when they searched him. He said: "That's not mine."

The bag contained 29 wraps of heroin with a street value of £290. Shepherd also had a block of crack cocaine on him which, if broken down into street deals, would have been worth £2,800.

Shepherd, of Griffins Wood Close, Dawley, was arrested and answered 'No comment' to all questions in his police interview. He pleaded guilty at Shrewsbury Crown Court to two counts of possession of Class A drugs with intent to supply and one of possession of criminal property.

Rosemary Proctor, mitigating, told the court that Shepherd has had little time in his adult life where he has been out of custody, and that he was "sofa surfing" at the time he was arrested. She added that he was "feeling hopeless" at the time due to struggling to find a job.

Judge David Hale told Shepherd: "You're not the lad with just a few bags," and that he was "obviously trusted" by someone higher up the chain to be in possession of the block of crack cocaine.

He jailed Shepherd for three years. It is expected he will serve half of the time in custody before being released on licence.

"You then are going to start your adult life at the age of 24," added Judge Hale.

"You will have no experience apart from prison and drugs. You have got to make a stark choice. You could be coming back here and facing judges long after I've gone, or you could decide to try and make some sort of fresh start."

Judge Hale also ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs.

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