Shropshire Star

Motorbike recovered in Walsall 'hit-and-run' probe after girl, 7, killed as teen is bailed

Police have recovered two motorbikes in Walsall while investigating a hit and run which killed a seven-year-old girl.

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Tributes have been left for Katniss Seleznev since her death on Thursday evening

Katniss Seleznev died after being hit by a motorbike on Turnstone Road, in the Blakenall area, at around 7pm on Thursday.

West Midlands Police officers have been hunting for the bike involved and bosses have now revealed they have recovered two abandoned motorcycles in Walsall which will be forensically examined.

A 14-year-old boy arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving has today been released on bail, with strict conditions, as enquiries continue.

Police say Katniss's family are being supported by specialist family liaison officers and will be kept updated as the investigation moves forward.

Det Sgt Paul Hughes, from the serious collision investigation unit at West Midlands Police, said: "Our work to establish the facts around this tragic incident is continuing.

"We have recovered two motorbikes and they will now be forensically examined as part of those extensive enquiries.

"And at this awful time our thoughts remain with the family of Katliss, who are being supported and have asked to be left to grieve in private.

"I would also like to extend my thanks to all those people who have already come to us with information – it is truly appreciated.

"We would ask again that anyone who was at the scene does still come forward, as what they know may be valuable to our ongoing investigation."

Toys, flowers and heartfelt messages have all been left at the scene following the girl's tragic death.

Lottie Hutchinson, aged 6 and Sienna Wain, aged 8, friends of the girl who was killed, lay flowers at the scene

And an online fundraiser has now been launched by Jody Witton to raise money for her family and towards funeral costs.

Jody posted a message on the gofundme fundraising page that she was at the scene and had offered help to Katniss's mother, describing the situation as 'tragic'.

She said "no amount of money will be enough to ease or help them" but urged people to give what they could to help the family.

The appeal has so far raised more than £1,590 and people can donate at

Anyone with any information which could help with the investigation should contact West Midlands Police via live chat on the force's website or by calling 101, quoting log 4332 of July 27.

Alternatively, email the investigation team direct at

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