Shropshire Star

Suspended prison sentence for woman caught with drugs and knife

A woman caught with a lock knife and drugs has been given a suspended prison sentence.

Bethan Laura May Hobbs admitted carrying drugs and a knife

Bethan Laura May Hobbs admitted possessing 5.6 grammes of amphetamine and the knife at Oakridge Court, Llandrindod Wells, on September 1 when she appeared at the town's magistrates court on Wednesday last week. The 35-year-old of Brampton, Temple Drive, said she was under threat from a man and had the knife for protection.

Prosecuting, Mr Justin Espie said officers found Hobbs on the ground at 9pm, surrounded by her belongings. A search revealed the knife and a white powder worth about £30 to £40.

Mitigating, Mr Matthew Ridler said the male she felt threatened by was arrested on the same day for an unrelated matter. He said Hobbs is currently on a community order, which runs out this month and she has been making good progress.

Probation officer Donna Davies said Hobbs has a substance misuse problem, is homeless, and has emotional issues. But she said she has been working well with the Probation Service and Kaleidoscope and there is a realistic chance of rehabilitation. She recommended a further 12-month community order with 20 rehabilitation days. Magistrates sentenced Hobbs to four months in prison but suspended it for 12 months.

They put in place a further community order with 20 rehabilitation days. She will also have to pay £85 costs and a £154 surcharge for possession of the lock knife. There was no separate penalty for the amphetamine.

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