Shropshire Star

Unlicensed drink driver banned from the road after admitting series of offences

An unlicensed drink driver who was caught at the wheel of a BMW has been banned from the road.

Jamie Harrison failed a breath test after he was stopped by police

Police officers in Telford caught Jamie Harrison driving a BMW 320D on Bridgnorth Road, Madeley on July 22, before he gave a breath test result of 57 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, exceeding the legal limit of 35.

He was also found to be driving without insurance, without a licence.

At Telford Magistrates Court on Tuesday, September 26, he admitted the three offences as well as using a vehicle when the load/passengers likely to cause danger - the prosecution noting "number of passengers being carried by it being such that danger was caused or was likely to be caused".

Harrison, aged 32, of High Street, Madeley, was banned from driving for three years and given a 24-month conditional discharge.

He was also ordered to pay £135 costs and a £26 surcharge.

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