Shropshire Star

Amount of cocaine seized by West Mercia Police nearly trebles in single year

The amount of cocaine seized by police forces across England and Wales doubled last year, but what was the situation like in Shropshire?

It seems like West Mercia Police are doing a good job on drug seizures front.

Well, it's certainly fair to say that more cocaine (in its powder form) was seized by West Mercia Police in 2022-23 than the year before.

West Mercia Cocaine Seizures

Figures from the Home Office show 4.2 kilogrammes of powder cocaine were seized by West Mercia Police in 244 operations in the year to March 2023.

This was up from a year earlier, when 1.5 kilogrammes were seized.

National Picture

Police forces across England and Wales have seen powder cocaine seizures double – 3,360 kilogrammes were seized in the year to March, up from 1,680 kilogrammes the year before.