Shropshire Star

21 year old domestic abuser sent down for "catalogue" of crimes against woman

A young domestic abuser who pulled up his partner's car's handbrake after flying into a car-borne rage sending the vehicle careering into a hedge has been jailed for 30 months.

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On another occasion Tecwyn Hellin-Pierce, aged 21, of Ellesmere, strangled his partner in bed as he sought to control the woman's behaviour and friendships with other men, a court heard.

Judge Paul Glenn was told that Hellin-Pierce, described as "quite a large, powerful man", was also sentenced for multiple counts of assault by beating.

These included an incident when he shoved her backwards into a cupboard, hitting her head and causing her to temporarily lose consciousness.

The judge, sentencing Hellin-Pierce on Monday praised the defendant's sister who intervened, shocked at seeing her brother in a state of fury. As well as handing down the prison sentence Judge Glenn also banned him from going near both his sister and his ex-partner.

Prosecutor Rosemary Proctor told Shrewsbury Crown Court that Hellin-Pierce and his partner, who the Shropshire Star is not naming, began their "on-off" relationship in January 2023.

She said that on October 9, 2023 she "unequivocally told him that they were not in a relationship" but he turned up at her work and accused her of "sleeping around".

She later agreed to give him a lift in her car.

And while driving on the B4397 at Ruyton-XI-Towns, near Shrewsbury, he lifted the handbrake on her car. The vehicle span around twice and went into the hedge, causing damage to the £1,000 vehicle. He was charged with causing danger to road users.

Police were called to the scene and after hearing the circumstances they arrested Hellin-Pierce and gave him police bail.

The court was told that his behaviour continued despite bail conditions.

On October 17, Hellin-Pierce used the name of another man to contact the woman on Snapchat, before pleading to her that he was living in a car.

"Feeling sorry for him, she went and collected him and allowed him back into her home," said the prosecutor.

The court was told that in Ellesmere on Tuesday October 31, 2023, Hellin-Pierce had become angry and "pushed her into a kitchen cupboard, knocking her temporarily unconscious."

Hellin-Pierce became "enraged" on another occasion when she had a drink with a male friend.

"He punched the steering wheel with such force that it broke," said Ms Proctor.