Shropshire Star

Partner and a baby on the way a 'shining light' for Telford drug dealer who faces judge's sentence

A Telford man will be sentenced by a crown court judge next month after he pleaded guilty to a charge that he possessed crack cocaine with intent to supply.


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But a Shrewsbury Crown Court judge made it clear to 23-year-old Callum Smith that while he was considering all options for the sentence he would be looking at handing down a suspended custodial sentence because there had been a "wealth of change" in his personal circumstances.

The court heard on Mondaythat the offence had taken place in February, 2020 and Smith, of Bembridge, in Brookside, had already had a taste of life behind bars for another offence in 2021.

Judge Anthony Lowe told the court that there was "nothing to suggest that" Smith had committed any further offences.